I chose this painting because it gives you a visual of what actually was goin on inside of Frida. As you can see Frida had two sides to her. The Mexican Frida to the right and the European Frida to the left. The painting is basically saying that Frida is more happy when she is the Mexican one because Diego her husband likes her better that way. The Mexican Frida was more wild and outgoing and more fun to be around. The Mexican Frida seemed to be more real. I think that she was more true to herself as that person. The European Frida endured a lot of heart break as the painting shows. It was when Frida was this person that all bad things came about. Her once loving and supporting husband turned into a monster cheating on Frida with her own sister. She became very ill as this person.The European Frida is lifeless in this painting. The fact that both Frida's are holding hands in the painting signifies the unity of her feelings. Its sort of reminding you that what looks like two is in fact really one.
I think that Frida and I definitely have a connection with one another. I am described as being two faced, meaning that I have a split personality. People say that me being a Gemini explains it all. Instead of Frida having her Mexican and European sides, my split personality can be describe as being street smart (hood) and professional (book smart). Growing up i've been exposed to two different life styles. One with my father in the suburbs and the other with my mom in the city. When Im with my father I turn into this different person. Im more conservative and manored. When im with him he exposes me to a lot of new and different things that I might not have got the chance to do with my mom. His idea of fun is totally different from what I perceive of my mom. I would compare the European Frida to the professional Ayana and the Mexican Frida to the street smart Ayana. I live in public housing with my mom so I have to really pay attention to my surroundings. And im far from a product of my environment but I do credit it for the way I turned out. Just like the Mexican Frida im more outgoing when im with my mom. I barely ever plan, I just go with the flow. Although my father lives a more lavish life, I'd rather live with my mom because I can really be myself when im there.